Get it While it's Hot! (and on sale!!)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The people at HBO/True Blood are really being assholes about this.
15-20 seconds of almost nothing is seriously killing me. At least with Eclipse we got 1 1/2 minutes of nothing. Okay-that's harsh..but a disappointing 1 1/2 minutes-better? I guess I'm just a complete video/promo hoor and need something juicier..something meaty to satisfy me until I get a full 60 mins of my sex-on-a-stick Viking. We have so much anticipation & expectations for Season 3..I really hope they don't blow their wad and disappoint all of us. I realize there must be 1-2 Bill Lovers still in existence..(you may want to rewatch S1/S2 multiple times & masturbate furiously prior to watching Season 3) sorry ladies, but he's going to be exposed for the fuckface he is disappoint/shock the fuck out of you more than waking up next to Askars & finding out he has a vagina. What the hell am I saying?! Nothing would be more disappointing than that!! Blasphemy. Love you Askars! We have no reason to believe you have a Vajayjay!! Promise!!

Okay-so does anyone give a shit about Tara & her Thug Vamp Franklin? I myself do not. I've read the books so I know what happened there-but Alan Ball tends to fuck the books in the it could be a whole new story..Episode "AB's Fuckery formerly known as Southern Vampire Mysteries" Good Riddance Eggs..your storyline of Meat Orgies/Egg Licking/Carving people was just a little distasteful to me. *pause* Distasteful? LOL..what a dumb-ass choice of words..(I'm not sure anything can qualify as distasteful to me-I live on the edge of appropriateness daily) Boring/Stupid is probably better-I just didn't like you dude. You sir-are no Lafayette..that man has a personality. I like Tara-but that's probably cuz she's Sassy & has lots of attitude. I respect that in a


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