Get it While it's Hot! (and on sale!!)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So to Recap: A coffee pot of blood..a VILF poster..and now 2 watercoolers-1 of water/1 of blood. Hmmm..they're trying to support Mainstreaming? Offices across America will welcome the Vamps & even keep TruBlood on Tap!! Does anyone else think the Advertising dude needs to be replaced? We want to see hot shots of the Vamps..not multiple blood container pics. WTF HBO? Where is your understanding of your audience?
We want Sexy/Slutty Skars!! I swear to god..if next weeks poster is of a bottle/can of any sort...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sorry I got this out so late..I horred around on Blogs all day & actually semi-cleaned my house *gasp* I know-right, total waste of time. I'm sure everyone was busy with family & all the Easter maybe you shouldn't have been oogling hot guys anyway on a religious holiday..You're all going to burn in Hell!! **see ya there-got a pre-paid ticket**But hey-think of it as a bonus, it will brighten up an otherwise dreary Monday morning right? Since the Fuckers at HBO probably won't throw us an Askars bone anytime soon **just can't say Askars/bone in the same sentence without an involuntary snicker** All the little sneeze promos will probably revolve around every other character except the Viking-You'll have to console yourselves with any/all Skarsporn we can get our hands on!! Here's a few to start you off you deviants ;-)

Wanna join me in the hedges? I brought a blanket & Tequila!!

"Fuck You Tom Cruise..Maverick's a Pussy"

So I hear you're lookin for a new Daddy?

Correction: Woman..I don't share Lover


Serious Fucking Hand Porn

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The people at HBO/True Blood are really being assholes about this.
15-20 seconds of almost nothing is seriously killing me. At least with Eclipse we got 1 1/2 minutes of nothing. Okay-that's harsh..but a disappointing 1 1/2 minutes-better? I guess I'm just a complete video/promo hoor and need something juicier..something meaty to satisfy me until I get a full 60 mins of my sex-on-a-stick Viking. We have so much anticipation & expectations for Season 3..I really hope they don't blow their wad and disappoint all of us. I realize there must be 1-2 Bill Lovers still in existence..(you may want to rewatch S1/S2 multiple times & masturbate furiously prior to watching Season 3) sorry ladies, but he's going to be exposed for the fuckface he is disappoint/shock the fuck out of you more than waking up next to Askars & finding out he has a vagina. What the hell am I saying?! Nothing would be more disappointing than that!! Blasphemy. Love you Askars! We have no reason to believe you have a Vajayjay!! Promise!!

Okay-so does anyone give a shit about Tara & her Thug Vamp Franklin? I myself do not. I've read the books so I know what happened there-but Alan Ball tends to fuck the books in the it could be a whole new story..Episode "AB's Fuckery formerly known as Southern Vampire Mysteries" Good Riddance Eggs..your storyline of Meat Orgies/Egg Licking/Carving people was just a little distasteful to me. *pause* Distasteful? LOL..what a dumb-ass choice of words..(I'm not sure anything can qualify as distasteful to me-I live on the edge of appropriateness daily) Boring/Stupid is probably better-I just didn't like you dude. You sir-are no Lafayette..that man has a personality. I like Tara-but that's probably cuz she's Sassy & has lots of attitude. I respect that in a

Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm glad today's over & nobody played any tricks on me. I did of course lol..but nobody tried anything on ME. And I'm okay with that.

Season 3 of True Blood is starting to give us alot of teasers to get excited about. I'll reserve my judgement about Alcide until after I see how he's projected in the Series. We all know it's going to start sexing  heating up with Eric & Sookie..sooo looking forward to!!

And of course, the "Anna Paquin is Bi" reveal. Really? Is that even an issue anymore? I just wish her happiness whatever she enjoys...hope SM is up for some mud wrestling...things could get very interesting :-)

 Doesn't get any hotter than you think I should do cornrows?