Get it While it's Hot! (and on sale!!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sorry I got this out so late..I horred around on Blogs all day & actually semi-cleaned my house *gasp* I know-right, total waste of time. I'm sure everyone was busy with family & all the Easter maybe you shouldn't have been oogling hot guys anyway on a religious holiday..You're all going to burn in Hell!! **see ya there-got a pre-paid ticket**But hey-think of it as a bonus, it will brighten up an otherwise dreary Monday morning right? Since the Fuckers at HBO probably won't throw us an Askars bone anytime soon **just can't say Askars/bone in the same sentence without an involuntary snicker** All the little sneeze promos will probably revolve around every other character except the Viking-You'll have to console yourselves with any/all Skarsporn we can get our hands on!! Here's a few to start you off you deviants ;-)

Wanna join me in the hedges? I brought a blanket & Tequila!!

"Fuck You Tom Cruise..Maverick's a Pussy"

So I hear you're lookin for a new Daddy?

Correction: Woman..I don't share Lover


Serious Fucking Hand Porn


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